Now Offerring Classes

July 31, 2023 by Tony Nowell

We've settled nicely into the space, and we've had our first members get up & running with the equipment. Now we're focusing our efforts toward a regular cadence of classes.

Our first attempt to get a class booking portal up and running left much to be desired. The booking workflow was confusing, the payment form didn't give us a way to manage member discounts, and it was difficult to see the full calendar of events. So we threw it out, and started over with these lessons learned.

Now you can now browse the full listing of classes or explore the classes on our new event calendar. The latter is even useful for knowing if a specific piece of equipment will be in use by a class on a given day.

But most importantly, we have a variety of classes up and running! Whether you want to tinker with artistic craft robots, learn how to operate woodshop equipment, create signs, or dive into 3D printing, we have something for everyone. We're even planning to occasionally offer a class for free. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more frequent updates included free classes.

We've also had a few requests for members to start teaching classes. We hope to launch a guest teacher program shortly, so stay tuned if that interests you.

...and the next chapater for Renton makers
Renton Made projects sponsored by the Renton Municipal Arts Commission
Our Advent calendar features a maker challenge for every day of Advent leading up to Christmas.