The End of a Chapter

April 29, 2024

As we approach the one-year mark since the launch of Crea Makerspace, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've embarked on together. Our space has been a hub of creativity, collaboration, and community, and we've witnessed some truly inspiring projects come to life within our walls.

However, every story has its twists and turns, and ours is no exception. Today, I must share some important news about the future of Crea.

Makerspace Closing

After careful consideration, we have decided not to renew our lease, which ends this June. This means the last day of operations at Crea will be June 2nd. While Crea has been growing month-over-month, this growth has not been sufficient for our runway to commit to a new lease.

What This Means for Our Members

  • Pro-rated Memberships: We will pro-rate all memberships to the end of May. There will be no auto-renewals post-May.
  • Full Access Until Closing: The space will remain fully operational until June 2nd, so please feel free to continue working on and completing your projects.
  • Personal Materials: Any materials or projects you have in the space should be removed by June 15th.
  • Equipment Training: We have stopped scheduling classes, but we are still committed to supporting your projects. Training on equipment will be available upon request to help you wrap up any ongoing work.

Looking Ahead

Despite the closure, the spirit of Crea will live on. We are exploring different ways to continue supporting the maker community in Renton. While the specifics are still being mapped out, our interest in fostering creativity and innovation remains strong.

And if you're looking for nearby access to similar equipment in the near term, consider:

Join Us for One Last Celebration

We invite all our members, friends, and supporters to join us for a farewell party on May 29th at 6pm. It will be an evening of reflection, celebration, and community. It’s also an opportunity for everyone to network, share ideas, and discuss potential ways to keep our maker community thriving without the physical space of Crea.

We're grateful to each and every one of you who walked through our doors, shared a project, took a class, or simply brought your energy to Crea. You are what made this space special.

We hope to see you at the farewell party and look forward to exploring new possibilities together.

Founder, Crea Makerspace
Renton Made projects sponsored by the Renton Municipal Arts Commission
Our Advent calendar features a maker challenge for every day of Advent leading up to Christmas.